Cyclist Killed in Eastlake Crash
We've all heard about the two kids on yellow fixies getting hit by the dump truck. Well here is the scoop. For the full story as Seattle Times tells it go to:
Cyclist Killed
Seattle Bike-In - August 29
AUGUST 29, Wed at 5pm
Pedal to Cal Anderson Park for NWFF's second annual Seattle Bike-In, a celebration of biking and cinema! This year our filmic homage to bikes is a collectively made feature length film! Learn how to ride safely on city streets, how to navigate bike trails across the state, how to advocate for transportation alternatives, and how to donate your old bike to a good cause. Enjoy live music, a community potluck, and advice from neighborhood bike-friendly businesses, bicycle art from local artists, and more!
Bike Valet parking provided by Bike-Works
Suggested donation $2
Downhill and Messenger Challenge XI
Date: Friday August 3 2007
Start: Registration 5:00-6:45pm
Location: The Redline Music & Sports Bar
4439 35th SW (at Avalon)
Race at 7pm sharp!
Finish: bikes, bands, beverages, food & fun!
Preregister at
and allow yourself the pleasure of the Greatest Party Known to Humankind
Georgetown Music Festival - June 2-3
Submitted by shawn on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 07:14.The Georgetown Music Fest is an incredible all-ages outdoor festival that takes place in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle. Beer garden, 2 outdoor stages, 2 indoor stages, 47 bands, local record labels, and local merchants all make this festival one of the best local lineups of the year!
This year bands include: Earlimart, The Supersuckers, Idiot Pilot, Voyager One, The Trucks, LillyDale, Boat, Key Note Speaker, and more!
More Info:
Cupcake Ride - May 27th
Submitted by piratemolly on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 08:50.Come ride for babes, bikes, and baked goods! (Or to celebrate the birthdays of Allison, Alyson Rae, and myself!)
We will ride from downtown Seattle at 1pm, meeting up at Westlake, to each of the Cupcake Royalle locations: West Seattle, Madrona, Ballard.
All bikes welcome!
~ MaLora Ann