Rethinking Transportation - January 5
Films, and panel discussion. 7:30pm $5/person. 911 Media Arts Center, 402 9th Ave N Seattle, (South Lake Union)
Easy Rollin': A community of cycling enthusiasts in Vancouver, BC, finds funky ways to bring together their environmental and artistic ideals to promote green transportation and alternative ways of engaging within our car-congested society. Bio-Diesel and Pedal-Powered Generators are only a few examples of how to rethink the way we live and move through this world. Join us for a community-building street festival with some of the most creative and fun transportation options you'll ever see. A humourous and light-hearted look at creative alternatives.
Seattle Bicycle Master Plan - Dec 5 & 7
In June 2006, SDOT's Bicycle Program kicked off the planning process for the development of Seattle's Bicycle Master Plan. The primary objectives of this plan are to increase bicycle use and to improve bicycle safety. Components of the planning process include significant fieldwork to analyze opportunities to improve on-road bicycling conditions, evaluate policy, develop a wayfinding system, establish facility design guidelines, and create a maintenance and funding plan. Public involvement for this plan is crucial and includes ongoing participation by the Seattle Bicycle Plan Citizens' Advisory Board, an on-line questionnaire about bicycling, and periodic public workshops and meetings. A draft Master Plan document is expected by late December or early January.
Rebel without a Cog - November 11
November 11th, 2pm under the Viaduct.
Race will end at Hooverville in SODO.
Fixed gear bikes only! Brakes are allowed but will be a separate category.
Keep an eye out for more details to come at morrispost.
Film: What It Takes
Four athletes. Four human beings. Four stories. One dream. What It Takes follows 4 world-class triathletes around for a year, as they prepare for the world championships in October, 2005.
Wednesday, October 25 - 7:30-9 pm Metro Cinemas 4500 9th Avenue NE
Thursday, November 2 - 7:30-9 pm Harvard Exit Theatre 807 East Roy at Harvard