Why Are Canadians So Much Cooler Than Us?
"They share the road, so some say they should share costs"
Our lawmakers are trying to tax us for saving wear and tear on their roads whereas the canadian government is eliminating taxes as a thank you to cyclists. WTF
"Within days of the recent election in Ontario, Premier Dalton McGuinty introduced a sales tax exemption for bicycle helmets and bikes selling for under $1,000. The tax breaks quickly got the thumbs up from the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada (BTAC), whose members are independent bike shops, and the manufacturers and distributors of bikes and accessories." Cycling Tsunami By John Luton Momentum Magazine
"The idea of charging cyclists a registration fee has been floated by lawmakers in Olympia, but not seriously considered in recent years. For each of the past several years, legislators have asked transportation officials at look into the idea of establishing such a program, said Paula Reeves, of the state Department of Transportation." Seattle PI Tax Our Asses