Seattle Bicycle Master Plan - Dec 5 & 7

In June 2006, SDOT's Bicycle Program kicked off the planning process for the development of Seattle's Bicycle Master Plan. The primary objectives of this plan are to increase bicycle use and to improve bicycle safety. Components of the planning process include significant fieldwork to analyze opportunities to improve on-road bicycling conditions, evaluate policy, develop a wayfinding system, establish facility design guidelines, and create a maintenance and funding plan. Public involvement for this plan is crucial and includes ongoing participation by the Seattle Bicycle Plan Citizens' Advisory Board, an on-line questionnaire about bicycling, and periodic public workshops and meetings. A draft Master Plan document is expected by late December or early January.

The next Bicycle Master Plan public meetings will be an opportunity to review draft recommendation maps and get an update on the plan.

North Seattle
December 5th
Odd Fellows Temple in downtown Ballard
1706 NW Market St.
6:30-9:00 PM

South Seattle
December 7th
Rainier Community Center
4600 38th Ave. S
6:30-9:00 PM

The content of the two public meetings will be the same and both will address city-wide recommendations.