The Saddest Phil Story Ever...

Robbie built his Copper Penny Phil Wood wheelset here a number of months ago. In between frames he loaned the wheels to a friend. This friend put his own cog on the rear Velo. Robbie took the wheel back to Velo to put his cog back on and Voila! they cross-threaded the lockring...

He brought it to us a little over a week ago. I called Phil only to find the LAST Copper Penny Phil Wood rear hub body in existence. They sent it fast and at a discount. Jon got to work rebuilding the hub to a new rim, a mobius White DT1.2. It made one spanky nice wheel. So nice in fact that the first time it was left was stolen. Lifted along with his Easton Riser bars off the bike while it was parked on the fifth floor of the parking garage attached to his SU dormitory.

To add insult to injury, Velo practically kicked him out of the store this weekend when he tried to get some compensation for their obvious blunder. Hours later the wheel was stolen.

Parking garages are super high theft areas. This is still the first mobius Hand Built wheel to be stolen that I am aware of. Bike theft is on the rise and not even your riser bars are safe. I recommend not parking your bike outside anywhere you can't see it even if this makes things a little more difficult. It's your best friend we are talking about here. Your bike deserves a spot at your table.

P.S. I want everyone to keep an eye out for Robbie's wheel. He only had it back for 48hours. Bike Thieves are Pure Evil.